Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Corporum: Journal of Corpus Linguistics

(P-ISSN 2617-2917)
(E-ISSN 2707-787X)
Department of English
Faculty of Social Sciences
Air University, Islamabad
Corporum: Journal of Corpus Linguistics, the first journal of corpus linguistics in Pakistan, is biannual and double blind peer reviewed journal. It is published by Corpus Research Centre, Department of English, Faculty of Social Sciences; Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
The advancement of technology in the field of linguistics has offered new avenues to the researchers of using corpora in various disciplines. Corporum: Journal of Corpus Linguistics is double-blind peer reviewed journal that aims at creating new research territory for corpus-based researches at national and international levels. This journal aims to publish novel researches in issues related to real world of spoken and written data around the globe. Hence, the journal intends to address this large collection of linguistic data by engaging the scholars from multidisciplinary fields especially from computational/machine learning, Sciences and Humanities. Furthermore, it would provide a platform to voicing the researchers who are working and developing corpus of various languages.
The journal welcomes interdisciplinary original researches carried out to uncover language use and its implications in various academic, professional and promotional discourses including the following areas:
- Arts and Humanities
- Corpus Linguistics
- Sociolinguistics
- Pragmatics
- Language Planning and Policy
- Applied Linguistics
- Language Teaching
- Discourse Studies
- Genre Studies
- Corpus Approaches to Literary texts
- Ecolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Computational Linguistics
- Sentiment Analysis
We have made it our mission to publish original and high quality Corpus-based content in order to express our devotion towards development of Corpus Linguistics and Corpus-based research.