Video Game Stereotypes and their Impact
Video games Pakistan Language stereotypes CultureAbstract
The video game industry has become a significant aspect of the business and entertainment world and has integrated into people’s everyday lives. Considering the ubiquitous influence of video games in our lives, this research study has been conducted to find out their relationship with language, culture, and stereotypes. Ten video games have been selected conveniently for this research study, and 25 interviews of Pakistani gamers have been analyzed exploiting Paul Gee’s theory of unified discourse analysis (Gee, 2014). Three aspects, such as the gamers’ language preference, culture, and associated stereotypes have been analyzed qualitatively to answer the research questions. However, due to the negative stigma attached to the preferences of gamers regarding language, culture, and typical stereotypes, it is concluded that Pakistani gamers and their families are becoming judgmental and need to change their point of view as a community about video games. They further need to lessen or remove typical stereotypes and prejudices about watching games to develop intercultural awareness, it is also suggested that the game developers in Pakistan need to make video games that promote their own culture and the Urdu language.
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Citation of this paper
Faraz, H. & Shahzad, K. (2023). Video game stereotypes and their impact on language and culture in Pakistan. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 7(1), 61-74.