Guidelines for Manuscript

Instruction for Authors

It is an open-access journal and so far we do not have article submission and processing charges.  

Manuscript of 5000 to 6000 words should be double-spaced typewritten printed on 8.5 x 11 inches’ page. It should be composed according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).

The manuscript must include an abstract of approximately 120- 250 words.

The authors must provide the preferred minimum of five keywords for the study.

The title should be brief, not more than fourteen words it should be written in Times New Roman Font Size 12 Bold and centered.

All papers are to be submitted as a single MS WORD file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper.

Author must ensure their name, contact details and affiliation are not mentioned in the paper or in the attachment's title.

EJLL does not accept manuscripts via e-mail.  All manuscripts should be submitted on our official website. The manuscript should be prepared using a recent version of Microsoft Word and should utilize standard fonts and symbols.

Use headings carefully and logically. Do not use more than three levels of headings.

Manuscripts should be prepared according to the following style rules (deviations from these rules can cause publication delays).

Content, Length, and Formatting

It is the author's responsibility to make the submitted paper clear, related, and thought-provoking, before submission and consideration by referees. This requires:

A cover page 

Submit a cover page as a separate document/attachment containing the following:

Author’s name (s) and affiliation

Email address


An abstract must not exceed 250 words comprising the following:

Title and abstract content.

The abstract should be clearly written and readily comprehensible. It should include research problem, research purpose, methodological approach, key findings, and implications.


The Introduction should provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject should be cited. Methods and procedures used in the research should be described in detail. Results should be clearly described and should provide a comprehensive picture of results. Previously published findings should be written in the present tense. Detailed interpretation of data should not be included. In the discussion, section findings should be interpreted in view of the present study results and results of past researches in that area. Conclusions should be given at the end of the article. The discussion section should describe briefly the major findings. It should describe the validity of observation and other published work dealing with the same type of findings.

Full paper

  • The body of the paper should include the following headings in the same order.
  • Introduction
  • Review of the literature
  • Research Methodology
  • Data Analysis
  • Results & Discussions
  • Conclusion
  • References

A4 size paper

Margins must be 1.5 inches on top and bottom, 1.7 inches on left and right.

Font size 10 Times New Roman (body text)

Title, subtitles, abstract and references single-spaced; body text 1.0 - line spaced

Referencing & tables will be considered in the total page count.

Tables and Figures

Tables must be submitted in Microsoft Word table format and should be created using Times New Roman text, 10 font size. APA-style provided must be followed.

Each table and figure should fit on a single page.  Tables and figures may be oriented horizontally (landscape) or vertically (portrait) within the allotted space.

Each table and figure should be identified with a table or figure number and a descriptive title.


References should be (a) integrated into the text in short form and (b) collected together at the end of the article. APA format must be followed.

The author(s) should make sure that there is a strict one-to-one correspondence between the in- text citations (including citations, tables, and figures) and the list of end References.

Publication fee, sources of funding

Authors are not charged any publication fees. Air University provides funding for the publication of the journal.


The authors' agreement statement is mandatory with the submission of the article from 24.03.2022(Download it and submit it with your article)