Review Process and Author Complaint Process
Peer Review:
The Erevna Journal of Linguistics and Literature is committed to publishing high quality works with significant policy implications and contribution to the literature. The decision about each manuscript is taken following a rigorous process:
The peer-review process:
A respected editorial board member will make an initial assessment of the quality and uniqueness of a paper in terms of scope, originality, and contribution to the existing body of knowledge. Moreover, papers written within the guidelines regarding the structure of the paper is also given consideration in the initial assessment.
- Once the designated internal editorial board member is satisfied with the suitability of a submission, it is sent to two anonymous peer reviewers for their comment.
- The reviewer will assign marks and comment following six categories:
- The originality of the paper
- The value of the research question and research gap.
- The soundness of the conceptual and technical or methodological framework.
- Insightful discussion in the result and discussion section
- The contribution of the paper
- Academic writing quality.
4. Once the final comment of the reviewers is received, a decision is made about submission within 2 or 3 weeks of submission.
Submission Guidelines
Electronic submission substantially reduces the editorial processing and reviewing times and shortens overall publication times. To submit to the journal of your choice, click the Submit Online button on the journal's homepage as shown in the image:
You can only submit the paper by logging into our official website.
Every researcher & scholar should keep in mind the following aspects while sending the papers:
- the topic, title, and focus of the Research Paper
- the names of all researchers contributing (maximum 5)
- the name of the coordinator (corresponding researcher)
- an outline of the theoretical background of the research topic
Authorship criteria,helping%20with%20the%20publication%20itself.
Author Complaint Process
Before submitting manuscripts, authors are requested to read all the guidelines and policies regarding the processing and publication of the manuscript.
The authors can raise their complaints by submitting an email on [email protected]
All the complaints regarding delinquencies in the work processes are investigated according to the prevailing publication ethics practices.
Complaints categorization
An author or any other scholar may submit their complaints about any issues related to:
Copyright violation
Deceiving in research results or wrong research results
Violations in the set standard for research
Unrevealed conflicts of interest
Bias in the review process
Manuscript processing time is unusually late
The peer-review comments are unsatisfactorily
Authorship issues
Policy for Dealing with Complaints
Once a complaint is received, at first, an acknowledgment is sent to the complainant with the assurance that appropriate action will be taken on the complaint within three working days excluding the complaint receiving date.
The investigation process is initiated by the Journal handling team according to the directions of the Editor-In-Chief. After the investigation is over, a meeting is held with a complete report on the complaint. The decision is taken in and the same is forwarded to the concerned scholar through his submitted email ID.
We consider complaints as an opportunity to enhance our existing Manuscript Processing System. All the received complaints are dealt with in a polite and timely manner with certainty.