Discursive Practices of Pakistani Press through Headlines in Shaping up Political Realities


  • Ayyaz Qadeer COMSATS University, Wah
  • Adnan Tahir Govt. Emerson College, Multan
  • Muhammad Ilyas Chishti NUST
  • Zulfiqar Ali City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar


Ideology  Headline  Discursive practices  Reality construction  Media


Post-structuralist theorists think that linguistic capabilities are applied to construct identity as well as ideology, power relations, creation of knowledge and knowledge reproduction, and relations within and outside community; thus, it produces various sorts of reality versions indicating that reality is, by and large, socially constructed. Linguistic power is generally employed with the help of institutional along with organizational mechanisms and hegemonic control. As a matter of fact, political discourse has this power, along with other subtleties of power, quite in contrast to the power of discursivity acquired by media; predominantly, print media carries an extensive space for the discursive construction. Pakistani media has acquired prominence as well as freedom in past years. Consequently, people have become more media-dependent for opinion-making; particularly, the educated class, which is considered as an opinion maker, depends on newspapers. This study provides a way to understand and develop a meaning-making process in the representations of political eventualities. This study generates an awareness that linguistic choices employed in reporting the political ideologies are a very powerful tool to affect the thoughts of readers, and, therefore, print media contributes to generating diverse opinions in Pakistani society


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How to Cite

Ayyaz Qadeer, Adnan Tahir, Muhammad Ilyas Chishti, & Zulfiqar Ali. (2021). Discursive Practices of Pakistani Press through Headlines in Shaping up Political Realities. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 4(2), 50-68. Retrieved from https://journals.au.edu.pk/ojserevna/index.php/erevna/article/view/181