Stereotypical Gender Differences in Matrimonial Choices: A Study of Marriage Bureau Websites in Pakistan

A Study of Marriage Bureau Websites in Pakistan


  • Robina Shaukat Higher Education Commission
  • Ayyaz Qadeer Higher Education Commission
  • Adnan Tahir Higher Education Commission



Gender stereotypes, Matrimonial choice, Cyber language, Self-disclosure


This study examines stereotypical language expressions used in
the matrimonial discourse in the advertisements of marriage
bureau websites in Pakistan. A corpus-based analysis of language
attitudes was carried out on data taken from a range of marriage bureau
web pages. Language patterns were analyzed using the Wordsmith
concordance to reveal patterns of overtly-expressed language attitudes. It
discusses how differently but stereotypically the adjectives and nouns
are selected by both the genders for their self-discourse as well as for
choosing their desired spouses. This study is also based on theoretical
considerations of gender differences in language use and it helps in
understanding the trends in matrimonial discourse in Pakistani cultural



How to Cite

Shaukat, R., Qadeer, A., & Tahir, A. (2020). Stereotypical Gender Differences in Matrimonial Choices: A Study of Marriage Bureau Websites in Pakistan: A Study of Marriage Bureau Websites in Pakistan. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 1(1), 95-118.