Pinterian Model World: Exploring the Element of Anger in Pinter’s Two Plays: The Caretaker and No Man’s Land


  • Ali Fawad Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen, Germany


 Anger  Agony  Existentialist  Social Relationships  Emotional Refuges  Frustrations


This paper contends that the characters of Harold Pinter often find themselves angry. Set under
existentially nebulous conditions, the fictional events
in Pinterian plays push its characters to remain
agonized and reclusive. To explore the causes and
effects of Pinterian anger Harold Pinter’s two plays
The Caretaker and No Man’s Land are selected and analyzed in this paper by applying textual analysis as a qualitative research methodology. A close scrutiny of the plays shows that characters face
existential uncertainties, identity crises, torments of memories, and the failure to attain the desired goals. They lack any interest in life and social relationships. They are at constant war with themselves and others. In their pursuit of finding
social and emotional refuges, they are compelled to define and redefine their understanding of freedom and relationships which ultimately leave them
frustrated and angry.



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How to Cite

Ali Fawad. (2024). Pinterian Model World: Exploring the Element of Anger in Pinter’s Two Plays: The Caretaker and No Man’s Land. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 7(2). Retrieved from