Developing an Indigenous Scale of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace

Indigenous Scale of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace


  • Faryal Razzaq .
  • Faisal Aftab .



Emotional Intelligence is getting a lot of attention in recent literature
because not only high Emotional Quotient (EQ) differentiates between top
performers at workplace (McClelland, 1998), but is a distinguishing factor
among high-level leaders (Boyatzis, 1999; Higgs & Aitkin, 2003). EQ
is also strongly correlated with a higher quality of life in general (Morgan,
2003). Extensive literature review reveals a lot of disparities among the
dimensions of EQ and pointed towards the gap that no indigenous measure
exits in Pakistan to measure EQ at workplace. Therefore, an EQ model at
workplace is proposed. A theoretical analysis from a variety of perspective
for EQ helped identify the domain of content. The proposed model groups
Emotional Intelligence into three categories of Emotional Appreciation,
Emotional Application and Emotional Maturity. Operational definitions are
used to develop scale items. Candidate items are generated to fit the
construct definitions. Expert opinions have been taken and the construct
items refined on the basis of output from practitioners to establish content
validity. The raw measurement scale is pre-tested and the respondents
assessed its face validity. Cluster analysis revealed structures of sub strata.
Factor analysis identified the factors that were grouped together. For
internal consistency of the scale Cronbach alpha is used. The refined tool
was floated to 1/3 population of the target industry; Canteen Store
Department (CSD). The proposed Model is valuable tool for both academia and management.




How to Cite

Razzaq, F., & Aftab, F. (2020). Developing an Indigenous Scale of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace: Indigenous Scale of Emotional Intelligence at Workplace. Journal of Business & Economics , 7(1), 28-70.