Gender Differentials in Education and their Impact on Economic Growth of Pakistan

Gender Differentials in Education and their Impact on Economic Growth of Pakistan


  • Naeem Akram .
  • Abdul Hamid .
  • Saira Bashir .



Human capital, gender inequality, economic growth, cointegration


South Asian economies in general and Pakistan in particular exhibit gender
inequalities in education, employment, and health outcomes. These
inequalities have significant impact on economic development. Gender
inequality in education and access to resources may prevent the reduction in
child mortality, fertility, and expansion of education. Assuming the male and
female have the similar innate abilities, gender inequality in education
means that less able boys get the chance of education and the average innate
ability of educated pupils is lower in comparison to the situation if boys and
girls received equal educational opportunities. Hence, gender biasedness in
the education will result in lowering the human capital having negative
impacts on economic growth. This study analyses the impact of gender
equality on economic growth in Pakistan by taking the data for the period of
1972-2010 and using the cointegration analysis. It is found that gender
inequalities at the level of education are undermining the economic growth
and if these inequalities are removed then the country may grow much faster.
However, the gender inequalities at higher level are more sever for economic
growth in comparison to gender inequalities at primary and secondary level.



How to Cite

Akram, N., Abdul Hamid, A. H., & Bashir, saira. (2020). Gender Differentials in Education and their Impact on Economic Growth of Pakistan: Gender Differentials in Education and their Impact on Economic Growth of Pakistan. Journal of Business & Economics , 3(1), 102-122.