Workplace Workplace Incivility and Knowledge Hiding: Does Transformational Leadership Matters?

Workplace Incivility and Knowledge Hiding: Does Transformational Leadership Matters?


  • Amir Ishaque
  • Muhammad Tufail
  • Romana Bangash



Knowledge hiding; transformational leadership; workplace incivility


Organisations do not own knowledge but employees do. Considering the knowledge hiding issue, the current study aimed to investigate the direct impact of workplace incivility on knowledge hiding. Moreover, it also examines the moderating role of transformational leadership by using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected (N=205) from public sector organisations. The collected data neither bear common method  bias nor multicollinearity. The results indicated a positive relation between workplace incivility and knowledge hiding. Transformational leadership moderated the link between workplace incivility and knowledge hiding in such a way that relationship was stronger when higher transformational leadership style.


2020-06-30 — Updated on 2020-07-02


How to Cite

Amir Ishaque, A. I., Muhammad Tufail, M. T., & Romana Bangash, R. B. (2020). Workplace Workplace Incivility and Knowledge Hiding: Does Transformational Leadership Matters? Workplace Incivility and Knowledge Hiding: Does Transformational Leadership Matters?. Journal of Business & Economics , 12(1), 107-124. (Original work published June 30, 2020)