Generative AI Policy

Following HEC rules are applicable to the use of Generative AI in publication/research:

i. Generative AI Tools is not an author. These tools should only be used to improve language and readability, with caution. If you used Generative AI Tools or AI-assisted technology, include the following declaration statement directly before the references at the end of your manuscript.

Declaration of Generative AI tools and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process:
“During the preparation of this work, the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility (legal, moral, etc.) for the content of the publication.

ii. Cite AI Contributions: acknowledging Generative AI content contributions while giving credit to the original authors.

iii. Use of Generative AI Tools for Academic purposes is acceptable. However, using Generative AI Tools for data/facts gathering is discouraged in Research as they might report incomplete, inaccurate, false information,
inaccurate or fabricated citations and outdated data because of the limitations. For example, ChatGPT data is updated till Sep 2021 as of now. Further, the use of Generative AI Tools for any data/fact generation, fabrication or tweaking is unacceptable and forbidden. In such a scenario the author will be held responsible.

iv. Reliable plagiarism tools for AI generative text, if available, shall be used allowing <0% of generated text along with the prevalent standing HEC criteria i.e., <=19% Similarity Index using plagiarism check software for the whole document and <5% of single source similarity index is acceptable. Based on the global best practices and feedback from academia, the criteria might be updated by HEC from time to time.

v.Aligned with the recent plagiarism policy of HEC, the authors must add the plagiarism undertaking statement stating:

“I, [Name of Author] solemnly declare that research work presented in my UG/MS/PhD project/thesis, as the case may be, titled “[Project/Thesis Title]” is solely my research work with no significant contribution from any other person or Generative AI Tools. Small contributions/help wherever taken has been duly acknowledged/cited and that complete project/thesis has been written by me under the latest plagiarism policy declared by HEC and my respective university in line with the policy for the use of Generative AI Tools. I understand the zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an Author of the above-titled project/thesis declare that no portion of my project/thesis has been plagiarized and any material used as reference is properly referred/cited. I undertake that if I am found guilty of any plagiarism in the above-titled project/thesis even after publication, the journal (JBE) reserves the right to withdraw/revoke my publication and that HEC and the University have the right to publish my name on the HEC/University Website on which names of students are placed who submitted plagiarized project/thesis.”