Adiga’s Vision of Systemic Restructuration: A Deconstruction of The White Tiger


This study is a deconstructive analysis of the plot of Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger from a postcolonial perspective.  It has been argued that the author wanted - in the novel - not only to expose the despotic social order but also to offer a formula for its (re)structuration (Giddens, 1990). It has been argued that the author has produced this discourse of resistance not only to show how to challenge but also how to appropriate, restructure and, ultimately, resettle the existing power relations. But the transformation that the protagonist undergoes subverts the authorial scheme instead of supporting it. This self-undermining failure has been traced through strategic reading employing deconstructive techniques as a research method. It has been found in the investigation guided by such techniques that the person, erstwhile oppressed, manages to seize power not for change but as the new master with different guise and, somewhat, euphemized tactics.


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Citation of the paper

Hashmi, Z. H., Hashmi, F. A., & Mahmood, A. (2021). Adiga’s vision of systemic destructuration: A deconstruction of The White Tiger. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 5(2), 24-34.



How to Cite

Adiga’s Vision of Systemic Restructuration: A Deconstruction of The White Tiger. (2022). Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 5(2), 24-34. Retrieved from