Determinants of Green Purchase Intentions: Positive Word of Mouth as moderator

Determinants of Green Purchase Intentions: Positive Word of Mouth as moderator



C'urrcnl research examines ihc extent to which environmental concern and green awareness impact on intentions of customers to purchase green products and further examines the moderating role of Positive World of Mouth in relationship of green awareness and environmental concern with Green Purchase Intentions. Bused on the Theory of Reasoned Aelion, a customer’s attitude ventes intentions model has been developed and tried to address an attitude-intentions gap to find out the reality of green phenomenon in a developing country like Pakistan. Age-based quota sampling method is used for the collection of data and was assured that a certain percentage of respondents fit to each explicit age group. 344 was the total sample size of the study. A series of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) via AMOS 22 was performed to establish the discriminant validity of the variables. Data analysis techniques of Preacher and Mayes (2(K>4) were executed and model one was applied for moderation analysis in SPSS 21. Overall, a good support was found for the hypothesized links. It was found that Positive Word of Mouth moderates the association of environmental concern and green awareness with green purchase intentions. For theorists, this, customers' attitude verses intentions model offers a better psychological explanation of the factors impacting customers green purchase intentions.




How to Cite

Determinants of Green Purchase Intentions: Positive Word of Mouth as moderator: Determinants of Green Purchase Intentions: Positive Word of Mouth as moderator. (2020). Journal of Business & Economics , 11(2), 143-160.