This is an outdated version published on 2020-06-18. Read the most recent version.

Comparison of Split Infinitives in Pakistani and British English: A Corpus-based Investigation

Split Infinitives in Pakistani and British English: A Corpus-based Investigation


  • Bisma Butt -
  • Behzad Anwar -


Corpus description, Kachru‘s concentric circles, , Pakistani English, split infinitive


This article investigates split infinitives in Pakistani English and British English using
Kachru‘s (1985) concentric circles framework. Beginning with a brief description of
split infinitives, the article explores the most common ‗breakers‘ in Pakistani English
(outer circle) and their variations in terms of use as compared to British English (inner
circle). By using sketch engine, findings reveal that the use of split infinitives in inner
circle and outer circle Englishes exhibit similarities and differences. In Pakistani English
newspaper corpus, ‗immediately‘ appears to be the most frequently used breaker in split
infinitives under ‗RB‘ adverb tag whereas in BNC (Newspaper), the most common
breaker is ‗really‘. The seemingly contradicting data indicates that the split between
inner and outer circle Englishes is not same as initially hypothesized by Kachru.




How to Cite

Butt B, Anwar B. Comparison of Split Infinitives in Pakistani and British English: A Corpus-based Investigation: Split Infinitives in Pakistani and British English: A Corpus-based Investigation. Corporum [Internet]. 2020Jun.18 [cited 2024Apr.25];1(2):85-98. Available from: