“Ask PK anything”: Language and Power relationship in PK


  • Nida Sheikh University of Central Punjab
  • Dr. Sikander Ali The University of Lahore
  • Zafar Ullah Shaheen Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi


This study is going to examine an Indian movie PK from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis. It focuses on how actors manipulate language in their favor – to inculcate their agenda – to exploit the common man. CDA tends to explore the hidden meanings of a written or spoken text. It studies and analyzes the role of language, power, dominance, ideology, and inequality in different contexts. This analysis is rooted in Fairclough’s three-dimensional models of discourse analysis which focus on the text, representation of that text, and its interpretation. The findings show that it is the use of language that helps social actors to maintain their power and supremacy over others. They exploit people’s emotions by creating fear of the unknown in their body and soul. The present study confirms that multiple ideologies showing the preferred perspectives can easily be inculcated in the minds of the common people through movies.it further confirms that stereotypical characteristics prevailing in society can easily be enforced through movies.




Author Biographies

Nida Sheikh , University of Central Punjab



Dr. Sikander Ali , The University of Lahore



Zafar Ullah Shaheen, Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi




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How to Cite

Nida Sheikh, Dr. Sikander Ali, & Zafar Ullah Shaheen. (2019). “Ask PK anything”: Language and Power relationship in PK. Erevna: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 3(1), 58-69. Retrieved from https://journals.au.edu.pk/ojserevna/index.php/erevna/article/view/77