Ethics Statement

Professional Ethics

Professional ethics define who we are when comes to doing the job right. The following professional ethics must be practiced to get your paper published in Corporum: Journal of Corpus Linguistics

  • References and quotations must have correct source.
  • Data/information should be reported accurately.
  • Manuscript, submitted to CJCL, should not be submitted to any other research journal.
  • A plagiarized manuscript will not be accepted at any cost.

Publication Ethics

Our team at Corpus Research Center vows to stay truthful, loyal and devoted towards the growth and prosperity of Journal. This purpose requires us to be highly ethical. We take a vow that:

  • We shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
  • There is no acceptance of plagiarized document. In no case will any sort of research misconduct be encouraged or allowed.
  • We will publish corrections, apologies, clarifications and/or retractions if/when needed.
  • If, at any time, our team is made aware of any allegations of research misconduct; we will deal with the allegations head-on and appropriately.
  • We will not provide favors to any preferred authors. All authors stand equal for us and their work will be evaluated on the same level, under the same criteria.